Lash Adhesives- What to Look Out for When Selecting Your Adhesive

Lash Adhesives- What to Look Out for When Selecting Your Adhesive

Are you new to lashing? Perhaps, you’re feeling overwhelmed with all the different options for lash adhesives. If you’re a lash artist, you might be thinking which lash adhesive you should keep in your kit for your clients. Every lash artist wants the perfect lash adhesive. However, the truth is there are plenty of elements that determine the quality of your lash adhesive. Below, we have put together some factors you should consider when choosing an eyelash adhesive.


Climate is one of the significant factors to consider when choosing a lash adhesive. The performance of a lash adhesive depends on the environmental aspect to some extent. If you live in a region with higher humidity, adhesive drops might cure more quickly. On the contrary, if you live in places with drier climates, the adhesive will take a longer time to cure. To fix this issue, you can invest in humidifiers or dehumidifiers for your lash space. However, it’s advisable to buy lash adhesive that reacts and dries perfectly as per the climate of the place where you live.


If you are just a beginner, you won’t be as speedy as an experienced lash artist. As a result, you need a lash adhesive that gives you enough time to make the accurate lash placement. As you become more experienced, you may want your lash adhesive to attach lashes quickly. So buy adhesive accordingly.


Being a lash artist, you may come across some clients who could be sensitive, so you often need a gentle glue handy. Sensitive adhesives are great for these. However, such bonds have less retention comparatively. It is crucial to let your clients know this when working with sensitive adhesive so that they can manage their eyelashes properly. Also some may be allergic to the carbon which is the substance that is black in the adhesive. An alternative there would be to use a clear adhesive.


Retention is a crucial factor when choosing the lash adhesive. Clients will often ask you “how long will my lashes last”. To give your clients the desired results, use the right adhesive and placement technique. The way you apply lashes plays a significant role in retention along with the prep of the lashes before you start to apply and also the aftercare.

Depending on which factors are crucial to you, choose the best eyelash adhesive. At Lash Allure, we have a wide range of lash adhesives that you can choose as per your preference. We also stock an amazing primer and super bonder, both of which play a big part in helping with retention. Check out our best selling adhesives. LashAllure is a renowned eyelash extension supplier that was established in 2013. Today, we’re a luxury brand and the leading supplier for Semi-Permanent Eyelash Extension and Professional accessories. Professional and experienced lash artists develop all our products. We supply our products to several renowned lash artists in the industry. To know more about us and our products, visit,
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